To help minimize risk, it is important to follow the post-operative care instructions provided by your surgeon and attend regular follow-up appointments.
The physical restrictions prescribed by your surgeon are intended to help prevent complications as metallic support bars cannot withstand activity levels and loads equal to those placed on a normal healthy chest wall.
While uncommon, complications can occur during and after surgery. Complications include, but are not limited to:
For a complete list of risks associated with Zimmer Biomet’s pectus bar, see Patient Risk Information.1 Pectus Excavatum patients with any of the following conditions are not a candidate for treatment with the Pectus Support Bar:
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To find a doctor near you, click here. For printed information on Pectus Excavatum or Pectus Bar, call 1-800-874-7711.
Talk to your surgeon about whether the MIRPE/Nuss procedure is right for you and the risks of the procedure, including the risk of implant wear, loosening or failure, and pain, swelling and infection. Zimmer Biomet does not practice medicine; only a surgeon can answer your questions regarding your individual symptoms, diagnosis and treatment.