About Pectus Excavatum

Pectus excavatum (also known as sunken chest syndrome) is not preventable, but it is treatable. While some live a normal, active lifestyle with pectus excavatum, the treatment of more severe cases includes surgery. Searching for options when it comes to sunken chest can be overwhelming.


Thankfully there is a minimally invasive surgery called the Nuss Procedure. A minimally invasive procedure is carried out by entering the body through the skin or through a body cavity or anatomical opening, but with the smallest damage possible to these structures.1

From cosmetic concerns to pressures on internal organs, like the heart and lungs, it’s important to explore the right option for each patient. Carefully reviewing the available options for pectus surgery will allow patients and parents/guardians make an informed decision as to what procedure would be appropriate to correct the deformity.

Zimmer Biomet has developed the Pectus Support Bar, in collaboration with Dr. Donald Nuss, for patients seeking a less invasive treatment option. As a result of these efforts, this less invasive procedure combined with use of the Pectus Support Bar implant has become a widely accepted method for surgeons treating pediatric patients with pectus excavatum.2

Only a medical professional can determine the appropriate treatment for any specific condition. Talk to your doctor about the Nuss Procedure and the associated risks, which include, but are not limited to:

  • Metal sensitivity reaction or allergic reaction to the implant (Pectus bar) material (metal).
  • Skin irritation, infection, and pneumothorax (air leaking in the space between the lung and chest wall which may cause the lung to collapse)
  • Surgical trauma including permanent or temporary nerve damage, permanent or temporary damage to heart, lungs, and other organs, body structures or tissues.
  • Pain, discomfort, or abnormal sensation due to the presence of the device.
  • Fracture, breakage, migration, or loosening of the implant
  • Inadequate or incomplete remodeling of the deformity or return of the deformity, prior to or after removal of the implant
  • Permanent injury or death

For a complete list of risks associated with Zimmer Biomet’s Pectus Bar, see Patient Risk Information.3

  1. https://www.sciencedaily.com/terms/minimally_invasive_procedure.htm
  2. Nuss D, Kelly RE, Croitoru D, Katz ME. A 10-year review of a minimally invasive technique for the correction of pectus excavatum. Journal of Pediatric Surgery. 1998;33(4):545-552.
  3. Pectus Support Bar IFU 01-50-1049

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To find a doctor near you, click here. For printed information on Pectus Excavatum or Pectus Bar, call 1-800-874-7711.

Talk to your surgeon about whether the MIRPE/Nuss procedure is right for you and the risks of the procedure, including the risk of implant wear, loosening or failure, and pain, swelling and infection. Zimmer Biomet does not practice medicine; only a surgeon can answer your questions regarding your individual symptoms, diagnosis and treatment.